Features Detail

10 Sep 2024

New Features

  • Employee 360 view: Added a new feature to the Attendance option in the Time screen, enhancing the timeline view for improved tracking and insights.



  • Dashboard: Added new features and improvements to the dashboard for better user navigation and data visibility.



  • System Deduction Display : System deductions are now shown separately in the payroll sheet.


  • Addition of Employee Code Column in PF Report: Introduced an Employee Code column in the PF report to provide clear identification and streamlined tracking of employees, enhancing data clarity and report accuracy.


  • Enhanced Document Search Functionality: Upgraded the Employee Document Search bar for improved efficiency and precision, enabling faster and more accurate retrieval of documents within employee profiles.


  • Team Tabbing: Implemented tabbing functionality in the Team section for improved navigation and organisation.



  • Time – Attendance: Added a new feature to the Attendance option in the Time screen, providing enhanced functionality and insights.



  • Time – Time Sheet: Added a new feature to the Time Sheet option in the Time screen, providing enhanced functionality and insights.



  • Pay Tabbing: Introduced tabbing functionality to the Pay module for enhanced navigation and user experience.



  • Time Tabbing: Added tabbing functionality to the Time module for improved navigation and ease of use.



  • Request Screen Restructuring: The request screen has been restructured for improved usability and clarity.



  • Recruitment – Job Posting Section: Improved the Job Posting section within the Recruitment module for enhanced usability and efficiency



12 Aug 2024


  • Modify Rights on My Profile: Users can now easily change their own profile settings in the “My
    Profile” section. This makes it easier for users to customize and manage their own profiles.


  • Dashboard Design Update: The dashboard has been redesigned to provide a more user-friendly
    and modern look. The new design improves navigation and makes it easier to access key features.


24 July 2024

New Feature


  • We are excited to introduce the Multiple Shift feature, allowing users to manage
    and schedule multiple shifts within the system.



  • You can now search for employees using their Employee code throughout the
    system. This makes it easier and faster to find the right employee records.




  • Profile pictures are now displayed in the Organization chart. This helps to easily
    identify team members and enhances the visual representation of the team




  • We’ve integrated Google Calendar with PayPeople. All events from the PayPeople
    calendar will now be automatically pushed to Google Calendar, ensuring your
    schedules are synchronized and up-to-date across platforms.




  • You can now manually add arrear days, and the system will automatically
    calculate the salary accordingly. This feature ensures accurate adjustments for any
    missed or delayed payments.




  • A new feature now tracks Idle time duration within the company profile to
    enhance system security. This helps monitor and manage periods of inactivity to
    ensure secure and efficient use of resources.




  • Admins can now manually Add overtime on a per-day basis. This feature allows
    you to add overtime hours for specific dates as needed.




  • The system now automatically generates Compensatory leave (CPL) for
    employees who work on weekends or holidays. Additionally, there is a new option
    in the profile settings to specify which employees are eligible for overtime and
    which are eligible for CPL.




  • Introducing a new feature in the On Boarding and Off Boarding process: the
    ability to hand over authority to a new supervisor. This ensures a smooth transition
    and continuity of responsibilities when an employee leaves the organization.




27 June 2024


  • For new browsers, you need to send an email for OTP code and on the user screen
    need a flag for MFA Admin user should be MFA enabled.


6 June 2024



  • To assist clients in using the system, we are adding the Page Tip tool.



  • Now Reporting hierarchy enable for other Admin and Role.



  • Now the Org chart define in two parts.



  • Presence Insight dashboard has been live.



  • Now you can add customize template for Leave requests



  • We are added Task Report in Report Screen



22 May 2024


  • We are introducing a Time Entry Summary for modify attendance on a Role



  • All Reports should be on Reporty Hierarchy base.



  • Now the Confirmation date will be shown on Employee Profile overview.



  • Introduce Leave Absence dashboard in Analytics Screen .


8 May 2024


  • We are introducing a Time Entry Summary for modify attendance hours due to
    some reason and Approval for Time Summary



  • Introduce three reports time entry summary ,Night shift report , Department
    headcount report



  • Now you can create employee when employee will be hired through recruitment



  • Now Client will provide ratings on Ticket and give feedback as well.


22 Apr 2024


  • We are introducing a Mass Transfer Feature in Paypeople .



  • Now You can add scorm 1.2 package in Course content. (Recommended ispring )


6 Dec 2023

New Feature

  • Now you can Transfer employees from one company to another.

  • Inter company Transfer is right based as well.


  • Employee action design has been improved and fix action list issue

  • In License module we have add on Filters.

  • Pending ,Approved and Rejected filter add in Request screen

18 Oct 2023


  • Assessment Module Questionnaires edit properties has been enhanced.


  • Now you can add multiple Question type (radio, multi-select ,Yes/NO ,True
    and False) etc.
  • Assessment screen added in Candidate Quickview.


  • Hiring Pipeline introduced in Job Opening and Candidate Screen.


25 Sep 2023

  • Employee directory design modification.



  • Now the Employee directory for ESS right base.



  • Now Multi-Currency is available on Company Level.


  • Redesign HR Request layout.


  • Support and Ticket Module Integrate with Paypeople plus and add new Filter (Bugs , New Development ,All ).



  • Project wise calculation report added in System.
  •  Automated email notifications can be set up to celebrate birthdays, job anniversaries, new joiner, announcements, and other custom events for selected or all employees.

14 Sep 2023

  • Employee Action history now shows in Timeline for Admin and ESS.
  • Now the Time Sheet Report will be Employee wise and Project wise.
  • Employee Directory Screen Add in System with Right base.



  • Pay Slip Format provided on Company Level.


24 August 2023


  • To empower employees to keep their personal information up-to-date, PayPeople will allow them to edit their own profiles with admin approval. Here’s how it will work.. Edit Role >> Set up a role on the Manage Role screen with different levels of access and permissions. Create a role that grants limited access to view or edit personal profile information, while an “Admin” role has full access and approval rights.



  • ESS Screen: Provide employees with an “Edit Profile” option where they can make changes to their personal information, such as contact details, address, emergency contacts, or other relevant fields. This screen will only allow editing of information allowed by the administrator, for this purpose it will redirect to the Employee Action Form screen where you can put information you want to change.




  • Employee view or access rights for other employee information.

Set up a role on the Manage Role screen with different levels of access and permissions. Allowing employees to view other employees’ information enhances transparency, facilitates collaboration, and facilitates better communication within the organization. Here’s how it will be implemented


07 August 2023


  • Redesign Paypeople Layout.



  • Now Expense Category added to the Approval Work Criteria. Another process will be the same as before.



  • Leave Report has been optimized.


02 August 2023


  • Redesign Side Menu and Header in Paypeople.



  • Redesign Company Info Like Apps, Upgrade Plan, Payments Settings, and Company List.



  • Now you can select Multi Organization through this drop-down.


  • Redesign Logout Module in Paypeople.



  • Redesign Sign in Page in Paypeople.


  •  Redesign Signup Page in Paypeople .


21 July 2023


  • Redesign Logout Screen Admin and ESS.



  • Introduce the Work Processor in the Manage User screen. Work Processor has all rights about Approval ( Approve, Reject, delete ) requests at any stage.



  • Now Admin can see Location Based HR Requests.
  • You can add only one time Leave opening balance in Edit Profile > Leave .


19 July 2023

New Feature

  • Introduce Employee Tracking Module in System.


  • Redesign Login Page.



  • Redesign Signup Page.



  • Redesign Forgot Password page.



  • Added Grid view in Recruitment Module all screens.
  • Unhide Expense Screen in Setup.



  • Redesign Master Data Screen.



  • When you apply for half-day leave than you will select the first half or second half and
    also, see relevant reports.


12 July 2023


  • Added Scroller in Goal Reports
  • Redesign ESS Screen Module.
  • Grid view added in all Pagination Pages.
  • (i)Info added in leave type.
  • Now you can add leave opening balance through edit profile >Leave



  • Now Over time, policy min-max checks are workable and the impact will be only Payroll.



  • Payroll Dashboard Hide due to Optimization of System.
  • Search Field in System 90% Follow the same design style.
  • Grid view implements an ESS payslip screen.
  • Now Super admin created a Self Service account in Multi Organization and re
  • Task Created Date Column also added in Employee Detail.
  • Back Button 95% added in System.


  • Now all these Options are right-based.


06 July 2023
  • Conditional workflow adding in Approval Configuration for all request
    except for Goals.



  • Now Changes in allowance or deduction in Payroll should be highlighted
    with a color change, and there should be a comment box in the allowance
    screen for approval.


08 June 2023


  • Now Bulk Uploader in Overtime.



Now Expense Request in Paypeople.



Now Loan Request in Paypeople.



  • Now Employee Action Workflow is available in Paypeople.



  • Now HR Requests is right-based.


24th March 2023

HR Letter Request


Now you can create letters ( i.e Experience Letter, Salary Slip, Business Definition, and Vocational Letter). Dealing with letters is easier and more cost- and time-effective when your organization has access to custom HR Request templates.


  • Go to Setup >> Letter Template >> Select the letter type through master data.



  • Once the template is configured your employees can request it. Before You
    need to configure Workflow.
  • Then Go to Requests >> HR Letter Request >> Add Letter Request.
  • Fill in the Required Fields.



Location-based Payroll Processing & its approvals


With the implementation of our new payroll processing feature, we are now able to manage
payroll for multiple work locations based on an approval system. You can assign
rights and roles through the “Manage Roles” function in the setup.

Additionally, organizations can set up approval workflows to ensure that payroll is properly reviewed and approved by the appropriate personnel before being processed. This feature offers enhanced control and oversight over the payroll process.



Location-based Documents


With the location-based document feature, organizations can store their internal documents, such as HR policies, in a central repository that is accessible only to authorized users from specified locations. This feature guarantees that all documents are stored securely in a centralized location, simplifying their management.



Monthly Inputs & approvals


You can now process monthly inputs for several work locations on Right Bases. These inputs may include financial data such as expenses and operational data such as sales figures, production output, and employee performance metrics.

Monthly inputs on the right basis help to add the payroll inputs regularly and consistently provide accurate and relevant information after approval from the concerned team to support decision-making and operational activities within an organization.


  • Payroll Dashboard >> Monthly inputs.




  • Click on Create a New to add the required values.



  • Draft >> Pending >> Approved >> Finalized.



When we run the Monthly Inputs Process, all employee monthly inputs are in the draft stage. In the draft stage, we can delete or post the monthly inputs.
During the pending stage, the monthly information of employees whose imputed data is waiting for approval. Then, the designated person either moves the payroll from the pending status to the approved status or returns it for further action.
In the Approved Stage, Approved monthly input data of employees can proceed to be Finalized or returned.
In the finalized stage, you can view the monthly inputs of all employees.
Import Button
You can add employees’ monthly input data in bulk, through the import button.


Documents Expiry


The document expiry feature is a software functionality that helps organizations keep track of document expiration dates. It enables users to set expiration dates for various types of documents, such as contracts, licenses, certificates, and permits.



  • First of all, the user needs to upload a document.
  • Go the Edit Profile >> Docs >> then upload documents then select Doc type.
  • You can add doc type through master data.
  • Description, Expiry date, then Add New list then click on Save.
  • After that you have to go to Team >> Docs >> Expiry.

There are four statuses in Doc expiry.

Draft >> Pending >> Approved >> Finalized.


Filter button

This button will help you to filter document expiry days. After that, You can view
In this Stage, the document will be shown on draft and you can Post Documents only.
In this stage, you can add a Doc fee if applicable then Post it or return it through
In this stage, you can Add a new Expiry doc then Post it or return it through the
In this Stage, you can only view Finalized Documents.


Off-Cycle Payroll


Off-Cycle Payroll

Off-cycle payroll is a type of payroll that is processed outside of the regular payroll schedule. It can be used to pay employees for special or one-time events, such as bonuses, commissions, or overtime payments. The off-cycle payroll hierarchy includes four stages: Draft, Pending, Approved, and Finalized.




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