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Learning Management System (LMS) Module Dashboard in PayPeople #


The Learning Management System (LMS) module in PayPeople provides a centralized dashboard that helps administrators, trainers, and employees track and manage learning activities efficiently. This dashboard offers a comprehensive view of enrolled users, assigned courses, test results, surveys, and learning progress.


How to Access the Dashboard:

  1. Login with your PayPeople Admin account.
  2. Navigate to Others => Learning Management System


Key Features of LMS Dashboard #


  • Recently Enrolled Users

This section displays the number of users who have recently enrolled in courses. It provides real-time tracking of new learners joining the training programs.


  • Total Courses

The dashboard showcases the total number of courses available within the system.


  • Assigned Courses

This section represents the total number of courses assigned to employees.


  • Completed Courses

Tracks the courses that employees have successfully completed.


  • Course Activity (Past 7 Days)

Displays details of course interactions, including progress and completed courses over the past week.


  • Tests Conducted

Shows the number of tests created and assigned to employees.


  • Surveys Completed

Indicates the number of surveys filled out by employees as part of their learning process.


  • Top Categories

Displays the most popular or frequently accessed course categories, which may include various company departments.


  • Active Learners

Highlights employees actively participating in recently added courses.



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